Fabo was born in 1981, in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
He studied at ITV (Superior Institute for Television Studies) to get a degree as a Performance Technologist and Stage Manager.
Besides having taken part in a variety of TV commercials, Fabo joined the cast of "Puro Teatro" (Gama TV), "Secretarias" (TC Televisión), and "Pareja Feliz" (Teleamazonas).
He obtained experiencie in theatric performance by acting in "Ya no hay Firmamento" (directed by Cuban Leopoldo Morales), "María Estuardo (directed by Cuban Eduardo Muñoa) and "La Mujer Encerrada en el Ritz"; this last one shown in the "Eduardo Solá" theater festival, where he shared credits with Italian Marina Salvarezza, Peruvian Prisca Bustamante and Santiago Carpio from Loja, Ecuador.
Fabo held the leading role in "Monogamia" (directed by Ruth Coelho) and was one of the main characters of the theater comedy "Dos Arriba, Una Abajo", directed by Marina Salvarezza.